[토스/토익스피킹] 2024 Part3 꿀팁 전략 및 만능 템플릿
안녕하세요. 2023년 한해 마무리 잘 하셨나요? 오랜만에 블로그 시리즈 물을 기획했습니다. 2023년 한해를 돌아보며 2024년 신년 계획을 세우면서 저처럼 토익스피킹 레벨 취득을 취득하고자 하는 분들이 많을 텐데요. 전문강사 처럼은 아니지만, 제가 공부한 내용들이 어쩌면 여러분들에게 도움이 될 수도 있다고 생각하기에 또는 글쓴이의 복습을 위하여 이렇게 포스팅을 시작합니다. 각 파트 마다 만능 템플릿은 물론 유형을 파악하고, 전략, 단어 등을 파헤쳐 볼 것입니다. 자 그럼 Part2를 시작으로 Part5까지 힘차게 달려보도록 하겠습니다.
Part3 개요
두번째는 파트3(Respond to questions) 질문에 답하기 파트 입니다.
문제 수 | 3문제(Questions 5~7) |
준비시간 | 각 3초 |
답변시간 | 15초, 15초, 30초 |
점수 배점 | 0 ~ 3 |
주요 평가 기준 | 발음 억양 및 강세 / 문법, 어휘, 일관성 내용의 연관성 및 완성도 ㅇ 3점: 답변이 적절하고 명료하여 채점자가 쉽게 이해할 수 있다. ㅇ 2점: 의미가 불분명하지만, 질문에 관한 관련성은 있다. ㅇ 1점: 질문에 대해 적절하게 답을 하지 않고 있다. |
Part3 전략
준비시간 (3초) |
나레이션이 나오는 동안 질문의 주제를 파악한다. |
답변시간 | 5~7번의 세 문제가 연관성이 있다. |
Echoing | 질문은 대답하는 동안 사라지지 않으니 주어진 문장을 잘 이용한다. ※ 단, 간혹 문제가 너무 길거나 복잡할 경우는 따로 문장을 만드는것이 쉬울수 있음. (part6 마찬가지) |
무조건 완벽한 문장으로 말하기 | Q. How often do you eat out? A. Five times a week (×) I eat out five times a week(O) Q. Do you prefer to buy products online or at a store and why? A. Online. Cheaper (×) I prefer to buy products online because it is cheaper(O) |
Part3 노하우 & 실전 팁
1. Part3는 토스의 첫번째 난관 코스입니다. 갑자기 난이도가 올라가서 멘붕의 연속일 것입니다.
ㅇ 창의력과 순발력이 요구되며,
ㅇ 다양한 기출 소재로 연습합니다.
ㅇ 자주 나오는 문제 model 답안 외워두기
2. 토스형 인간이 되어봅시다.
ㅇ 진짜 현실속의 '나'가 아니라, 토스형 인간인 '나'를 만드는 것입니다.
ㅇ 나는 학생 / 취준생 / 알바생 : 돈 없고 바쁘다. -> 항상 시간과 돈을 절약한다.
ㅇ 나는 직장인: 스트레스 많이 받는다. 취미나하고 싶은거 하면 스트레스 풀린다.
ㅇ 어디갈때는 항상 장소를 고려 -> 가까우면 시간절약, 편리하니깐
ㅇ 미래에 돈을 많이 벌고 싶다. -> 편안히 살기 위해
ㅇ 나는 오타쿠 -> 집에서 인터넷만 한다.
ㅇ 인터넷에서 물건 사고.정보도 얻는다. -> 너무 편리하다.
ㅇ 돈은 없지만 된장녀: 브랜드를 가장 고려 -> 브랜드 제품은 오래간다, 다양한 제품 출시해서 고르기 좋다.
ㅇ 여행은 이태리로: 좋은 호텔에 머물고, 맛집다니고, 쇼핑 즐기는 게 내 취미
ㅇ 혼자 VS 같이(이 문제는 이유를 둘다 기억할 것, 각각의 장점이 문제로 나옴): 혼자하면 편하다. 시간을 줄일수 있다. 같이하면 재미있고, 정보를 얻을 수 있다.
E | Economical, Reasonable, Cheap, Not expensive, Affordable( ↔ pricy, too expensive) |
Because i'm a student, i can't afford to pay for big amounts. So, usually, i have to [cut back on spending / tighten my belt]. Therefore, i consider the price the most - 저는 학생이기 때문에 큰 돈을 지불할 여유가 없습니다. |
Because i'm a student, I usually have to do part time jobs in order to buy what i want, I wouldn't like to waste money on something. I can buy cheaper. - 저는 학생이어서, 제가 원하는 것을 사기 위해서 주로 아르바이트를 해야 합니다. 저는 뭔가에 돈을 낭비하길 원하지 않습니다. 더 저렴하게 살 수 있습니다. |
T | Time saving( ↔ waste time) |
Since i don't have enough time. i have to save time. So, i usually take the shortest way to save my time. - 시간이 충분하지 않아서, 저는 시간을 아껴야 합니다. 그래서 저는 시간을 아끼기 위해서 보통 가장 짧은 방법을 이용합니다. |
It is time saving. People say time is gold. so, i don't want to waste my time elsewhere. So i choose the simplest way - 그건 시간을 절약해 줍니다. 사람들은 시간이 금이라고 말해서, 다른 곳에 제 시간을 낭비하길 원하지 않아요. 그래서 저는 가장 단순한 방법을 선택합니다. |
C | Convenient, Comfortable( ↔uncomfortable) |
It is convenient. I don't like to bother myself with inconvenient situations. So, I prefer to choose the easiest and simplest way. - 그건 편리합니다. 불편한 상황에 저 자신을 귀찮게 하는 걸 좋아하지 않아요. 그래서, 저는 가장 쉽고 단순한 방법을 선택하는 걸 선호합니다. |
Any | I can do it anytime and anywhere. And anybody can enjoy it lie this too. - 저는 언제든지, 어디에서 그것을 할 수 있어요. 그리고 아무나 이것처럼 그것을 역시 즐길 수 있어요. |
3. 대화하듯이 자연스럽게 답한다.
ㅇ 격식을 차리지 않은 듯한 영어를 써도 허용됩니다.
4. 시제 주의
ㅇ 현재로 물으면 현재, 과거는 과거, 현재 완료는 현재 완료로 맞춰서 대답
5. 나만의 쉬운 대답을 준비
ㅇ 쇼핑은 무조건 온라인 / 편리하니깐
6. 두개를 묻는 문제
ㅇ 하나만 대답하고 까먹지 않도록 두문제에 모두 대답
7. 분량
ㅇ 4 & 5번 -> (15초) 정확한 답을 주면, 1 문장만 녹음하고, 시간이 남아도 감점 없음. 더 채우고 싶을 경우 이유나 감상을 붙이는 연습을 한다.
ㅇ because... , (요즘은 4 & 5번에 뒤에 why? 붙이는 경우가 많다.)
ㅇ 6번 - (30초) 4~6 문장 정도 대답한다.
<답변의 틀>
시작: I like A.(두괄식)
중간: First of all, ... Also,
끝 : That's why ...
8. 4번 / 5번 (15초 문제) 최다 빈출
ㅇ How often
ㅇ When was the last time
- What was the last movie
ㅇ Where do you get info about ... and why?
ㅇ Where do you buy ..., and why?
9. 6번 최다 빈출
ㅇ What do you consider most when buying ... ?(Besides(=Apart from = except) price) Brand
ㅇ Advantage / Disadvantage
ㅇ Describe
ㅇ Prefer
ㅇ On which occasion / On Which situation(=When)
10. 긍정적으로 답하는것이 더 쉽다.
만능 템플릿
1. Imagine that your supervisor want to learn a new skill. you are having a telephone conversation about leanrning a new language
Q5. when did you last learn a foreign language, and how did you learn it?
A5. I learned English two years ago in a university class with my friends.
Q6. So, do you think it's important to learn more than one foreign language?
A6. Yes, i think it's important. because, it helps you to understand other countries' cultures.
Q7. For your experience, what do you think i should do to learn a foreign lanuage quicky?
A7. the best way is to be interested in the language as much as you can and look up every single word you don't know. after that try to make a sentance in the languege you are leaning everyday. then You will have fluent skills in a few months without you knowing.
2. Imagine that a canadian maketing firm is doing research in your country, you have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about shopping.
Q5. How often and where do you usually go shopping?
A5. I useally go shopping twice a week and i shop at the department store with my friend.
Q6. what was your most recent purchase?
A6. my most recent purchase was sports clothes because there was a bagain sale and the price was 60% cheaper than usual.
Q7. Do you prefer to shop for clothes online? Why or why not?
A7. Yes. i prefer to shop for clothes onlone. because it is convenient. it opens 24/7, so, i can buy products anytime and anywhere. also, it is time saving, i can get something with just a few clicks. lastly it is resonable ,because i can get a lot of coupons.
3. Imagine that British marketing firm is doing research in your country. you have gareed to participate in a telephone interview about magazines.
Q5. when was the last time you purchased a magazine and what did you buy?
A5. the last time i purchased a magazine is two months ago. and i bought a sport magazine. this type of magazine offers information on the latest sports trend.
Q6. do you look at the advertisements in magazines carefully? why or why not?
A6. Yes i do. i would like to receive more fruitful information in the ads, so, i read the advertisements carefully.
Q7. would you use an e-reader to read magazine?
A7. Yes. i would use an e-reader to read magazines for a couple of reasons. first, i can carry my device around anytime and save time when i want to find an issue. also it is way to lighter and compact than thick books.
4. Imagine that you are talking on the telephone with a friend. you are having a conversation about refreshments.
Q5. what do you usually get, when you go to buy snack?
A5. when i go to buy snacks i usually get chocolate chip cookies. they are my favorite kinds of snacks.
Q6. that sounds delicious. where do you nomally buy them?
A6. i nomally buy snacks at the department store. because it sells a lot of impoted snacks, so i have more options to choose. (it is also much cheaper than buying at a convenience store.
Q7. can you recommend an easy snack that i could make at home?
A7. sure, why don't you make a sandwich? it is the easiest snack to make. the ingredients are cheap and it is tiem saving to make because the recipe is guite simple. first, you toast a loaf of bread and add the ingredients like lettuce, tomato, cheese, etc. and you're done! also it's convinient to make, because i'm not a good cook. i can only make simple snakes. it's simple, go try it.
5. Imagine that a tourism bureau is doning research in your country to collect information for an artical, you have greed to participate in a telephne interview about visiting museums or galleries.
Q5. when was the last time you visited a museum and where was it?
A5. the last time i visited a museum was two years ago with my friends and the museum was located in Seoul.
Q6. do you like to visit the museums or galleries with other people or by yourself? why?
A6. i usually visit with my friends because we can share ideas about the artworks. it is fun to debate about different options.
Q7. Do you visit the museums or galleries more or less than when you were a child.
A7. I visit the museums or galleries less than when i was child. when i was young. my parents took me to museums for educational purpose. so, i would usually go to those places once a week. however, as a grown-up i got much busier, i don't have enough time to visit those places.
6. Imagine that you are having a conversation with your friend, you are having a telephone conversation about your house.
Q5. who usually cleans the house? why does that peoson clean the house?
A5. our family shares the cleaning work and i'm in charge of vacuuming.
Q6. do you clean more than you did 5 years ago?
A6. yes, i clean more than i used to(예전보다 더 청소를 많이 합니다.). because i have more time to spare in cleaning,
Q7. when you clean the house, do you start with the difficult or easy part?
A7. when i clean the house, i start with the difficult which is doing the laundry. it takes more time than other parts because i would start from gathering the clothes, run the machine, wait for another hour or two and lastly hang the clothes, after that i would do the easy parts.
7. Imagine that British marketing firm is doing research in your country. you have areed to participate in a telephoe interview about casual clothes.
Q5. when was the last time you bought casual clothes, and what did you buy?
A5. the last time i bought clothes was two weeks ago. i bought a jean and a jacket at the department store.
Q6. are you planning to buy new casual clothes soon?
A6. yes, i'm planning to buy one. because, i have camping plans with my friends next month, and i want to be prepared for it.
Q7. Do you think online shopping is a good way to buy clothes?
A7. I don't think that online shopping is a good way to buy clothes for several reasons. first, it's not possible to know for sure whether the clothes would fit me. also, i have to wait for delivery and this is inconvenient if i need it right way. these are the reasons why i don't think online shopping is a good way to buy clothes.
8. Imagine that a friend will be visiting where you live you are having a telephone conversation about public transpertation.
Q5. where in your city is the train station located?
A5. the train station is located right next to my house. so, i consider it very convenient whenever i want to go somewhere far.
Q6. And how do you get there from your house?
A6. the station is just a 5 minutes walk from my house. so, i get there on foot. also, there is a bus station nearby, so whenever it rains, i take the bus.
Q7. can you describe what it looks like so i can easily find it?
A7. sure, the station is located between the red post office building and the fire station. it has a huge white monumnet in front with the flag hanging on the wall. you cant miss it! because it's always a hustle and bustle compared to other areas.
9. Imagine that a friend will be visiting where you live you are having a telephone conversation about public transpertation.
Q5. where in your city is the train station located?
A5. the train station is located right next to my house. so, i consider it very convenient whenever i want to go somewhere far.
Q6. And how do you get there from your house?
A6. the station is just a 5 minutes walk from my house. so, i get there on foot. also, there is a bus station nearby, so whenever it rains, i take the bus.
Q7. can you describe what it looks like so i can easily find it?
A7. sure, the station is located between the red post office building and the fire station. it has a huge white monumnet in front with the flag hanging on the wall. you cant miss it! because it's always a hustle and bustle compared to other areas.
유의해야할 단어장
단어 | 발음기호 | 단어 | 발음기호 |
·affordable | [ ə|fɔ:rdəbl ] | ·memorial | [ məˈmɔːriəl ] |
·artwork | [ ˈɑːrtwɜːrk ] | ·monument | [ |mɑːnjumənt ] |
·bought | [bɔːt] | ·rather | [ˈræðər] |
·comfortable | [|kʌmftəbl] | ·receive | [ rɪˈsiːv ] |
·convenient | [ kənˈviːniənt ] | ·read | [ riːd ] |
·child | [ tʃaɪld] | ·toast | [ toʊst ] |
·clerk | [ klɜːrk ] | ·vacuum | [ ˈvækjuəm ] |
·elsewhere | [ |els│wer] | ·waste | [weɪst] |
·economical | [|iːkə│nɑːmɪkl] | ·would | [ 강형 wʊd 약형 wəd; əd ] |
·etc | [ ˌet ˈsetərə; ˌɪt ] | ||
·fruitful | [ ˈfruːtfl ] | ||
·hall | [ hɔːl ] | ||
·ingredient | [ ɪnˈɡriːdiənt ] | ||
·lastly |
[ ˈlæstli ] |
·lettuce |
[ ˈletɪs ] |
·latest |
[ ˈleɪtɪst ] |
·loaf of bread |
[ loʊf ʌv bred ] |