
[토스/토익스피킹] 2024 Part2 전략 및 만능 템플릿

카리R 2024. 1. 14. 00:47

 안녕하세요. 2023년 한해 마무리 잘 하셨나요? 오랜만에 블로그 시리즈 물을 기획했습니다. 2023년 한해를 돌아보며 2024년 신년 계획을 세우면서 저처럼 토익스피킹 레벨 취득을 취득하고자 하는 분들이 많을 텐데요. 전문강사 처럼은 아니지만, 제가 공부한 내용들이 어쩌면 여러분들에게 도움이 될 수도 있다고 생각하기에 또는 복습을 하고자 이렇게 포스팅을 시작합니다. 각 파트 마다 만능 템플릿은 물론 유형을 파악하고, 전략, 단어 등을 파헤쳐 볼 것입니다. 자 그럼 Part2를 시작으로 Part5까지 힘차게 달려보도록 하겠습니다.


Part2 개요

 처음으로 시작해볼 파트는 파트2 Descrive a picture 사진묘사하기 입니다.

문제 수 2문제(Questions 3~4)
준비시간 45초
답변시간 30초
점수 배점 0 ~ 3 
주요 평가 기준 발음 억양 및 강세
ㅇ 3점: 정확한 어휘로 세부 묘사를 하며, 사진에 대한 긴밀한        관련성을 전달한다.
ㅇ 2점: 사진에 관한 관련성은 있으나 사진에서 강조된 부분을      놓치거나 중요하지 않은 부분에 치중하여 묘사한다.
ㅇ 1점: 사진에 관한 관련성은 다소 미흡하고 전달된 내용이           제한적이다.



Part2 전략

(45초 동안)
최대한 많은 동사, 명사를 생각한다.
 ㅇ 절대 한글 문장을 어떻게 영어로 말하는지 번역하고 있지          않는다.
(30초 동안)
ㅇ 사진의 주인공 및 핵심 요소 말하기
ㅇ 주변인물 + 배경 설명
ㅇ 마무리(느낀점 등)
만점 노하우 사진의 주제와 사진의 상세설명을 30초 만에 최대한 자세히 설명한다.
 상세설명: 형용사(색깔, 모양, 길이, 수량 형용사 등)
ㅇ 상세설명: 위치상

Ex) I can see a man. -> I can see a tall man. -> I can see a tall bearded man holding a bag.


Part2 노하우 & 실전 팁

1. Part2에서는 절대 점수 깎이지 않도록 합시다. 어느 정도의 분량만 채워도 3점을 다 가져갈 수 있다는 것을 명심합시다.

2. 템플릿에 맞춰 정형화 시켜 말하는 것이 좋습니다.

  ㅇ 밑의 표처럼 굵은 글씨의 가~마까지 큰 틀을 정해 연습하세요.

가. 날씨(야외 사진의 경우)
  ㅇ It's nice outside(It's a sunny day, It's a beautiful day)

나. 장소
  ㅇ This picture was taken outdoors. (outdoors는 부사입니다.)

  ㅇ (I think) It's a park

다. 중심 - 구성원의 외모 묘사 -> 동작 묘사 (인물 묘사로 시간 채우기)
  ㅇ The first thing (I can see) is some people / many people / a person / a woman / man

  ㅇ What i can see first is ~~
  ㅇ There is / are ~~

<다리 동작>
  ㅇ They are standing / walking / sitting

<옷(공통점 위주): 시간이 남을 경우 Detail 한 부분 언급>

라. 배경
  ㅇ In the background, I can see some trees and buildings.

마. 분위기
  ㅇ Overall(Generally), It seems like they are having a good time.
  ㅇ It seems peaceful

3. 쉬운 문장을 쓰고, 시험장에서 확인되지 않은 어려운 영어를 쓰지 않도록 합시다.

  ㅇ 발음, 강세, 억양이 무너질 수 있습니다.

  ㅇ 표현이 맞지 않거나 문장이 잘못될 수 있습니다.

     - 한국말을 직역하여 영어로 쓰면 안됩니다.

  ㅇ 철저히 연습된 문장을 바탕으로 상황에 맞게 끼우는 연습이 필요합니다.

4. 8~10 문장 이상을 말한다.

5. 자주 나오는 사진의 종류는 오피스/길거리/공원/공공장소(버스정류장/공항 대합실 등)/상점

  ㅇ 그 외에 어려운 사진이 출제되기도 합니다.(연구실/활주로/말 또는 마차사진 등)

<암기하면 유용한 문장>
  ㅇ 날씨: It's nice outside / It's a beatiful day
  ㅇ 옷: Most of them are wearing casual clothes(business clothes, formal clothes, swimming suits)
  ㅇ 배경: I can see some buildings and trees in the background.
  ㅇ 분위기
    - 일할 경우: It seems like they are focusing on thier work / they are busy.
    - 즐길 경우: It seems like they are having a good time. / they are enjoying nice weather.

6. 배치 설명할 때 꼭 알아야하는 전치사구

  in the background of the picture
(사진 후면에는)
  on both sides of [~]
(~의 양쪽에는)
on the left side of the picture
(사진 왼쪽에는)
in the middle of the picture
(사진 가운데는)
on the right side  of the picture
(사진 오른쪽에는)
on one side of [~]
(~의 한쪽에는)
  in the foreground of the picture
(사진 전면에는)
behind (him), in front of (them), around, near, next to (her), on/above/under/below, on top


8. 자주 활용할 단어 및 표현

  ㅇ 옷: dress shrit(Y 셔츠), striped shirt, chekerd (=checked / plaid / patternd) shirt, business suit (jacket), sweat shirt

  ㅇ 테이블: there are some papers and a laptop computer placed on the table.

  ㅇ 벽: the bright lighting is hanging from the ceiling. a clock is hung on the wall

  ㅇ 사람 나눠서 설명: some, some others, others(=the rests)

  ㅇ 두명 (세명)일 경우: one, (another), the others



만능 템플릿

 this picture was taken in a supermarket. the first thing i can see is a woman standing in front of the stand full of fresh green vegetables. she has a bun and is wearing a blue jacket and holding some vegetabels on her right hand. in the foreground of the picture there is a shopping cart where she can put her groceries. and bright lighting is hanging from the ceiling. i think she is thinking about what she will cook for dinner. also this picture reminds me of my sister who loves cooking.

 this picture was taken in an office. the first thing i can see is a woman leaning against the glass wall and i can see her reflection. she has a bun and is wearing a business suit. she seems to be focusing on something. behind of the glass wall, there are many office desks and cheirs. i think there seems to be nobody except the woman. overall this picture reminds me of my intership.

 this picture was taken in a baby clothes store. the first thing i can see is a woman standing in front of the desk. she has a long straight blonde hair and wearting a jumpsuit and she is folding baby clothes and seems to be satisfied with the clothes. also in the background of the picture there are mannequins wearing baby clothes. outside the window, i can see some buildings with a lot of windows. overall this picture reminde me of my nephew.


 This picture was taken in the park. the first thing i can see is four members of the family sitting on a picnic blanket. the man is wearing a blue shirt and has a baby seated on his lap. the woman on the right is wearing a white sleeveless shirt and she is pointing to something. in front of the family, there is a basket with a lot of fruits. i think they are enjoying their picnic, also this picture reminds me of my family.



 this picture was taken in a dessert store. the first thing i can see is an owner and customer. he has a black short hair and is wearing a black apron and gloves. also he seems to be explaining the details about desserts. and customer on the right of the picture is wearing a blue cardigan and a jean. also she is looking through the showcase where various colors of desserts are displayed. on the left of the picture, a couple is waiting in line to buy their own desserts. in the background of the picture i can see wines on the shelf and lighting is hanging from the ceiling. this picture remindes me of my favorite dessert store.

  this picture was taken in a street market. the market is full of the vegetables and fruits displayed for sale. on the left side of the picture there is a merchant selling somthing to a customer. the customer is wearing a shawl around her hair and a flowery patterned dress. in the center, people are walking up and down the aisle. on the right of the picture another merchant is examining his goods. in the background, there are endless stalls and plastic bag with various colors are hanging from the ceiling. on top of the picture, there are brown canopies to cover the area. overall this picture reminds me of the traditional market in front of my house.


 this picture was taken in a greenhouse. there are many kinds of flowers with various colors. on each side of the picure, there are trees taller than other plants. in the background of the picture, pots are hanging on the rack and arranged in a row. on top, the ceiling is made out of glass which makes the greenhouse look cozier. overall, this picture reminds me of the flower shop in front of my house.


 this picture was taken in a park. the first thing i can see is a building looking like a palace on the left and in front of the building, there are flags. also there are some people walking around the plaza. they are wearing casual clothes and seems like tourists. on the right of the picture, there is a free-standing bronze statue of a figure of a person. in the background i can see a ocean and blue sky. overall this picture reminds me of my vacation to Europe.


 this picure was taken on the road. this road is a one-way street and on each side of the road, cars are paked in a low. also trees are planted in a low too. in the center of the road, i can see a motocycle heading foward. on the right, i can see streetlights and a sign for 'don't turn left', on the left, there are many parasol. in the back ground, there is a building and in the front, there are cars in a row too. overall this picture reminds me of a peaceful neighborhood.


 this picture was taken in an airport. the first thing i can see is a man sitting on a bench. he has a black short hair and is wearing a business suit. also he is working on a laptop on his lap. next to him, i can see a backpack. i think he is waiting for his plane to leave. on the left, there is a woman who seems to be heading toward her flight. in the background of the picture, i can see people walking up and down the alsle. this picture is very bright due to the sunshine coming through huge huge windows. overall, this picture reminds me of my last summer vacation. 



 This picture was taken in a staff lounge. the first thing is a woman sitting on a sofa. she has a black curly hair and is wearing a yellow shirt and blue sky pants. also she is working on a laptop on her lap and is holding a cup of coffee. next to her. there are personal belongings on the table. in the background, there is another woman who is crossing her legs  and a lpatop is on her lap as well. also in the background of the picture, there are many pots which make the staff lounge look cozier. overall, this picture reminds me of my co-wokers.


 this picure was taken on the beach. the first thing i can see is a thousands of people wearing swim suits. they are liying or standing on a sand. also they have thier own colorful blanket and beach parasols. i think they are enjoying tanning. ig the background of the picture, there are many people walking along the sea shore and some people seems to be enjoying swimming in the sea. also, there are many boats sailing close to the shore and each side of the sea there are two island covered in green. this picture reminde me of my last summer vacation.


 this picture was taken in a park. the first thing i can see is a gazebo where people can take a rest. i think the gazebo is made out of steel and wood. around the gazebo, there are short bushes surrounding the gazebo and there are tall trees with green leaves. also in the foreground of the picture, i can see some shadow of the trees. in the background of the picture, i can see a clear sky, which make this place look cozier, this picture reminds me of a park in front my house.


 this picture was taken on the street. the first thing i can see is two groups of people sitting on the tables. all the tables are occupied but some chairs are unseated. one group of people on the left is all men and they are wearing blue jackets. also, some food and glasses are placed on the table. another group on the right  is sitting on the  table too. one woman is wearing a pink jacket and i can see her back. also other people are facing each other and having a conversation. in the background, i can see some buildings with a lot of windows. this picture reminds me of my neiborhood. 


 this picture was taken indoors. the first thing i can see is two pair of couple toasting all together. they are facing each other and smiling. on the left a man has a black short hair and is wearing a glasses. also he is wearing a sweater. next to him, a woman is wearing a red sweater. on the right, there is another elderly couple. a woman has a braided hair. also on the table, there are breads, a bowl, cups and a bottle of water. in the background i can see a round mirror and lighting underneath. overall, it seems like a family gathering. this picture reminds me of my family gathering.


 this picture was taken in a library. the first thing i can see is a man standing in front of  a front desk. he has a black short hair and is wearing a blue shirt and brown pants. also, he is handing a book to a woman and holding other books on his right arm. also he is smiling, on the right, she is wearing a glasses and smiling too. behind of him, there are people waiting in line. a woman has a bob hair and has a book on her arm. in the background, i can see many papers attached to the wall. overall, this picture reminds me of the public library in front of my house.


 this picture was taken on the street. the first thing i can see is cars parked on the road. in the center of the picture, street trees are planted along the road and the street lamps are same. on each side of the road,  there are white buildings with a lot of balconies on each floor. on the right i can see a man walking alone. he is wear a hat and short sleeved shirt and jean. also i can see a his back. next to him, there is yellow sign which seems like a parking lot fee sign. overall this picture reminds me of my peaceful neighborhood. 



