안녕하세요. 2023년 한해 마무리 잘 하셨나요? 오랜만에 블로그 시리즈 물을 기획했습니다. 2023년 한해를 돌아보며 2024년 신년 계획을 세우면서 저처럼 토익스피킹 레벨 취득을 취득하고자 하는 분들이 많을 텐데요. 전문강사 처럼은 아니지만, 제가 공부한 내용들이 어쩌면 여러분들에게 도움이 될 수도 있다고 생각하기에 또는 글쓴이의 복습을 위하여 이렇게 포스팅을 시작합니다. 각 파트 마다 만능 템플릿은 물론 유형을 파악하고, 전략, 단어 등을 파헤쳐 볼 것입니다. 자 그럼 Part2를 시작으로 Part5까지 힘차게 달려보도록 하겠습니다.
Part4 개요
파트4(Respond to questions useing information provided) 주어진 정보 활용하여 질문에 답하기 파트 입니다.
문제 수 | 3문제(Questions 8~10) |
준비시간 | 도표 등 정보 파악 시간: 45초 |
답변시간 | 15초, 15초, 30초 |
점수 배점 | 0 ~ 3 |
주요 평가 기준 | 발음 억양 및 강세 / 문법, 어휘, 일관성 내용의 연관성 및 완성도 ㅇ 3점: 답변이 적절하고, 표의 정보를 정확히 알고 있고 말한다. ㅇ 2점: 질뭉에 대한 답변은 하지만 표이 정보를 제대로 알고 있지 못하고, 전달도 잘 못했다. |
Part4 전략
파트4에서는 질문이 끝나고 나면 표는 화면에 그대로 있되, 질문은 표기되지 않으니, 리스닝 실력이 매우 중요합니다. 질문을 잘듣는 것이 첫번째이며, 표의 내용을 매끄럽게 이어줄 올바른 전치사를 사용하는 것이 중요합니다.
1. 표 종류
ㅇ 회의(행사) 일정표 - 일정 내용, 시간, 장소, 특이사항
ㅇ 여행 일정표 - 날짜, 출발 시간, 도착 시간, 여정, 식사 일정
ㅇ 이력서 - 예약 날짜, 시간,인원, 예약 번호, 특이 사항
ㅇ 기타 - 주문자, 배송지, 주문 물품, 총액, 기타 배송관련 정보
또한, 파트4의 주된 질문과 답변에 대한 유형은 다음과 같습니다.
2. 질문 유형
의문사 의문문 | 의문사 시작하는 의문문 | Q. When will the opening fir the Sales Workshop begin? A. It will be held at ten o'clock |
일반 의문문 | 조동사 Be 동사로 시작하는 의문문으로 특정 사실에 대해 글정/부정 여부 물음 | Q. Will there be any opportunities for me to attend any speech at five o'clock? A. No, i'm sorry but there is no speech starting at five. |
확인 의문문 | 평서문 뒤에 부가적으로 붙는 의문문 | Q. I heard that the speech for "setting a goal that sets a record" is given by Tim Darcey. is that correct? A. I'm sorry, but you have the wrong information Ed Witterman will give the speach. |
3. 답변 주요 표현
(행사가) 언제 열리나요? 어디서 열리나요? | ㅇ 주어 + will take place at/ on /in + 시간, 날짜, 장소 ㅇ 주어 + will be held + at / on / in + 시간, 날짜, 장소 ㅇ 주어 + will begin / finish + at / on / in + 시간, 날짜, 장소 |
A1. the ceremony will take place on May 9. A2. The presentaion will be held in the boardroom. A3. The program will begin at 10:00 A.M and finish at 11:30 A.M |
(행사를) 누가 진행하나요? | ㅇ 주어 + be conducted by + 사람 ㅇ 주어 + be given by + 사람 |
A1. the ceremony will be conducted by Marlyn A2. The lecture will be given by Scott Tate. A3. The program will begin at 10:00 A.M and finish at 11:30 A.M |
(금액은) 얼마인가요? | ㅇ The fee is ㅇ cost ㅇ we charge |
A1. The workshop fee is $8.55 per person A2. It costs $50 for adults and $30 for children A3. We charge $26 per person for our trip. |
OO라고 들었는데 그게 맞나요? | ㅇ You're mistake ㅇ I'm sorry, but ㅇ The wrong information |
A1. I think you're mistaken. A2. I'm sorry, but there are no tables available. A3. I'm afraid you have the wrong information. |
파트 4에서는 주어진 표를 사용하여 그 안에 있는 내용을 잘 답변해야 하는데, 숫자, 날짜 등을 잘 읽을 줄 알아야 합니다.
4. 숫자 읽기
to/before, past/after, quater, half 사용하여 읽기 | ㅇ 9:45: a quater to ten / a quater befor ten ㅇ 3:15: a quater past three / a quater after three ㅇ 6:30: half past six / half after six / half to seven / half after seven |
A부터 B까지 읽기: Between A and B / From A until B / A to B | ㅇ 12:30 ~ 2:30 - between twelve thirty and two thirty - from twelve thirty until(to) two thirty - twelve thirty to two thirty |
금액은 달러와 센트를 나누어 차례로 읽기 | ㅇ $15: fifteen dollars ㅇ $2.40: two dollars fourty cents |
숫자가 큰 경우는 천(1,000) 단위로 끊어 읽기 | ㅇ 100: one hundred ㅇ 1,000: one thousand ㅇ 10,000: ten thousand ㅇ 100,000: one hundred thousand ㅇ 100,000,000: one billion |
전화번호, 방 번호, 비행기 편명은 한 자리씩 따로 읽기 | ㅇ 555-0622: five five five zero six two two ㅇ room 219: room two one nine |
기타 | ㅇ No: number |
5. 날짜 읽기
1999년까지는 두 자리씩 끊어서 읽지만, 2000년 이후는 네 자리를 한꺼번에 읽는다. | ㅇ1998: nineteen ninety-eight ㅇ 2009: two thousand (and) nine ㅇ 2015: two thousand (and) fifteen |
월, 일은 월과 일을 차례로 읽고, 읽은 순서를 나타낼 때는 서서로 읽는다. | ㅇ 21. Sep: the twenty-first of september ㅇ July 3: July third ㅇ October 19: October nineteenth ㅇ Dec. 6th: December sixth |
연도, 월, 일 요일 등 여러 가지가 한꺼번에 있는 경우는 순서대로 읽는다. | ㅇ Wednesday, Jan. 14: Wednesday January fourteen ㅇ May 16, 2011: May sixteenth two thousand eleven ㅇ May 16, 2014(Monday): May sixteenth, two thousand fourteen Monday |
전화번호, 방 번호, 비행기 편명은 한 자리씩 따로 읽기 | ㅇ 555-0622: five five five zero six two two ㅇ room 219: room two one nine |
6. 응답에 필요한 문법 및 필수 표현
동사 | ㅇ열리다. - will take place - will be held ㅇ시작하다 / 끝나다. - will start / begin - will finish / end ㅇ 진행하다(수동태 / 능동태) - will lead / conducted - will be led by ㅇ (음식이) 제공되다. - will be served / provided / available |
전치사 | (1) 장소 ㅇ at + 정확한 장소(번지수 있는 주소 / 이름있는 건물/공항/터미널) - We're located at 23 Apple Street - The orientation will take place at Samuel College. - You will arrive at Incheon International Airport. ㅇ on + street / floor / field, ground - We are located on Cooper Street. - The class will be on the thied floor of [빌딩이름] - The tourament will ve on Field 1. ㅇ in + 범위, 공간이 있는 장소(country / city / room / hall) - you wil larrive in San Francisco at 11 A.M - The interview will be held in Room B. - The ecent will be held in Kennedy hall. ㅇ from ~ to ~ : 어디로부터 어디까지 (장소 2개) - You will fly from Seoul to San Francisco. (2) 시간 ㅇ at + 정확한 시간 - The first session will begin at 8 A.M ㅇ on + 요일 / 날짜 (day / date) - The event is on Friday. - The seminar will be held on July 20th ㅇ in + 달 / 년도(month / year) - There are three events in July. ㅇ from ~ to ~ : 몇 시부터 몇 시까지(시간 2개) - The event will ve held from 9 A.M to 4 P.M |
Part4 노하우 & 실전 팁
1. 듣기 실력 필수!
2. 완전한 문장 만들기.
3. 전치사 주의
Q7. 주로 의문사가 들어있는 의문문: When, What time / where
Q8. 의문사가 없는 의문문으로 약간의 함정 문제가 있을 수 있다.
ㅇ 주로 표에서 없는 내용(특히, 사람 이름)을 물어본다
Q9. 표에서 가장 긴 부분의 반정도를 읽는 것이 답이 된다.
ㅇ 가장 흔하고 쉬운 패턴: Lunch를 기준으로 before lunch / after lunch 스케쥴을 읽어달라고 한다.
ㅇ 공통점 묶어내기: 발표자의 이름 / 강연 제목 / 장소 등 같은 단어가 2~3개 반복될 경우 공통점을 묶어내서 읽어달라고 한다.
ㅇ 읽을 때
- 뒤에 명사가 올 경우: 주로 There is (뒤: 명사) we have (뒤: 명사)
- 뒤에 동사가 올 경우: 주로 we you / he(or she) will (뒤: 명사)
참고로, 적절한 전치사를 사용하되 완벽하지 않아도 된다. 조금 틀리거나 생략하더라도 전반적으로 매끄러울 경우 감점이 없다.(전치사에 스트레스 받지 않기)
만능 템플릿
<TEST 1>
Business trip Itinerary for Henry Cooper, CEO
Wednesday, Nov. 15th
ㅇ 10:00 A.M. Depart Chicago (Clouds Airlines #728)
ㅇ 2:30 P.M. Arrive in San Francisco (Pine Hotel)
ㅇ 6:00 P.M. Dinner with Samuel Pattinson, Chief of e-Commerce
Thursday, Nov. 16th
ㅇ 10:00 A.M. e-Commerce Performance Review
ㅇ 12:30 P.M. Lunch with Lana Reed; Branch Manager
ㅇ 3:00 P.M. Depart San Francisco (Clouds Airlines #117)
ㅇ 7:30 P.M. Arrive in Chicago
Q8. When will i have a meeting with the branch manager?
A8. you will have lunch with Lana Reed on Thursday at 12:30 P.M
Q9. I heard that i have to arrive in Chicago at Wednesday. Am i right?
A9. Actually, you will arrive in Chicago on Thursday at 7:30 P.M
Q10. what is on my schedule for wednesday at afternoon?
A10. there are two sessins you are looking for. firstly, at 2:30 P.M you will arrive in San Francisco and you will stay at Pine hotel. Secondly, at 6 P.M you will have dinner with Samuel Pattinson who is the Cheif of e-Commerce. these are the two sessions you looking for
Women in the Workplace Seminar
Thursday, March 27th, Festinger Business Center
Registration Fee: $30 for members / $50 for non-members
Time Topic Speaker 10:00 ~ 11:00 Reviews: Occupational Safety Issues Phillip Zelda 11:00 ~ 12:00 Lecture: Being aWorking Mom Flona Lenner 12:00 ~ 13:00 Workshop: welfare Policy for mothers Clarissa Kim 13:00 ~ 14:00 Lunch(included in Fee) 14:00 ~ 15:00 Lecure: Becoming a female CEO Tina Shuster 15:00 ~ 16:00 Speech: self - Protection Skills for Personal Safety Fopna Lenner 16:00 ~ 17:00 Closing remarks: The Future of Gender Equality Ian Dickson
* Registration is open until March 20
Q8. What time will the seminar start?
A8. Ther seminar will start at 10:00 A.M, and it will be held at Festiner Buseness Center
Q9. Can you tell me how much the registration fee for the seminar is?
A9. The registration fee is $30 for members and $50 for non-members.
Q10. I heard Fionna Lenner will give the speech for Occupational safety issues. is this right?
A10. I'm afraid you have a wrong information. At 10:00 A.M, there wil be reviews about Occupational safety issues lead by Phillip Zelda.
Brampton Health Walk
June 4-5
Look for the nearest walk
* Participation Fee: Free
Walk Areas Date and time Meeting Points Walk Leaders Contact Bloor & Dixie Saturday, June 4
8 A.M - 10 A.MCherry Hill
Elementary SchoolPatrick Pleasance
666-1234Dundas & Tomken Saturday, June 4
9A.M ~ 11A.MTomken
Junior HighGary Carbone
555-7618Flagship & Finch Sunday, June 5
7A.M ~ 9A.MOrangewood
HeightsScott Lee
* All children must be accompanied by adults.
Q8. How many walk areas are there, and is there a fee for participating in the event?
A8. There are 3 walk areas and the participation fee is free.
Q9. Is it okay to send my kids alone to the walk?
A9. Actually, all children must be accompained adults.
Q10. Can you give me some details about the walk on Sunday?
A10. The walk area is Flag & Finch, it is from 7A.M to 9A.M and the meeting point is Orangewood Heights. For more information, you can contact Scott Lee at 555-7478, he is walk leader.
Angela Candal
8952 South Lake shore Dr. Chicago, AL 28795
Dssired Position Managing Editor Education Yale University
- Master's Degree (Chinese)
Stanford University
- Bachelor's Degree (Japanese)2010
2006 ~ 2010Work Experience Compass Publishing Leading Editor
Tyndale Enterprises Assitance Editor2016 ~ Present
2010 ~ 2015Skills & certificate Managing skills and comunication skills
Certificate Translation (Japanese & Chinese)
Q8. What did she get for her master's degree in and where did she get it from?
A8. She graduated from Yale University with Master's degree in Chinese in 2010.
Q9. The person we need to hire will have to edit our materials in both Japanese and Chinese, Would that be a problem for Ms.candal?
A9. It would not be a problem because, She has a certificate of translation in Japanese and Chinese.
Q10. Could you tell me about her work experience?
A10. sure, she has had two work experiences. firstly she worked at Tyndale Enterprises as an assistance editor from 2010 to 2015. secondly she has been walking at Compass publishing as a leading editor since 2016.
Grace Velasquez 2
72 Canstnut Dr. San Diego, California 45698
(619) 370 - 9271
Position Asset manager
Work Experience
ㅇ Private Banker , ABC Bank 2015 ~ Present
- Apply economic knowledge to help clients with strategic financial plans.
- Maintain good customer relations
ㅇ Personal Banking Representative, Hana Bank 2010 ~ 2015
- Performed clerical duties including cash transactions.
- Assisted and educated loyal customers and walk-in banking customers on the benefits of new credit card, account programs and banking products.
ㅇ Master of Science: Finance, KDI school of Business 2010
ㅇ Bachelor of Science: Business Economics, University of Parton 2007
Q8. What is the position she is applying for?
A8. She is applying for the Asset manager.
Q9. I need to hire a person who is able to conceptualize and teach customers about various programs and banking products. Do you think she is right person?
A9. Yes, she assisted and educated loyal customers and walk-in banking customers on the benefits of new credit, account programs and banking products.
Q10. I want to know about her education information. Please tell me details.
A10. There are two education information. firstly she graduated from university of Parton with bachelor's degree in business economics in 2007. secondly she also graduated from KDI school of business with master's degree in finance in 2010.
Itinerary for Diane Watt's Visit to LA
April 8
6:00 Depart from Seoul airport - Flight BA 214 13:00 ~ 14:30 Arrive at Tokyo airport, rent car, drive to Fuji Onsen Resort Hotel & check in 15:40 ~ 17:30 Meeting with Honda Inc, executives in the
Fuji Onsen Resort Hotel business room19:00 ~ 20:00 Dinner meeting with Tokyo branch manager,
Ken Yamamoto, at Master Steaks restaurant21:00 Depar from Tokyo airprot - Flight SA 034
Q8. When is the trip and what time will i leave Seoul?
A8. The trip is on April 8 and you will depart from Seoul airport at 6:00 A.M by Flight BA 214
Q9. Will someone be there to pick me up at the airport in Tokyo?
A9. Actually, you need to rent a car and drive to Fuji Onsen Resort Hotel.
Q10. Can you give me the details about the meeting?
A10. There are two meetings you looking for. firstly you will have a meeting with Honda Inc, executives in the Fuji Onsen Resort hotel. After that there will be a dinner meeting with the Tokyo branch manager, Ken Yamamoto at ABC restaurant.
Emily Allen
Dihua street, Boston, BA 56789 / emilyallen@goodhealth.com / 617-412-1704
Position Yoga Instuctor Work experience Charym Yoga Studio 2015 ~ present Donggang Fitness - Pilates and yoga instructor 2013 ~ 2015 Education Cambridge University B.S Degree
(Physical Education)2015 Qualification Licensed massage therapist
Certified Yoga Instructor (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
Certified Pilates Instructor
Q8. I'd like to know about her educational background . Which university did she attend?
A8. She graduated from Cambidge University with bacholer's degree in physical education in 2015.
Q9. Our clients are coming not only for yoha but also for other programs like pilates or stretching. Do you think she is a right person?
A9. Actually, she is a licensed massage therapist. also, she is a certified pilates instructor.
Q10. I'd like to know about her work experience. can you tell me about it in detail?
A10. She has had two work experiences. firstly she worked at Donggan Fitness as a pilates and yoga instructor and secondly she has been working at charym yoga studio since 2015.
Nevada Human Resource Conference
Bellagio Hotel, Westerville
February 17~18
Monday, February 17
9:30 ~ 11:00 Workshop: Recruiting Employees
11:00 ~ 12:30 Legal Issues in hiring
1:30 ~ 2:30 Finding Experienced Managers
2:30 ~ 4:00 Keynote address
- The Growth of Human Resource Department
(Erica Lopez, President of Nevada Industy)
Thesday, February 18
9:30 ~ 11:00 Workshop:Employee Training
11:00 ~ 12:30 Hiring Reports
1:30 ~ 3:30 New Computer - Based Training Programs
3:00 ~ 4:00 Closing Receptions (Light refreshment to ve served)
Q8. Where is the conference being held and what time dose it start?
A8. The conference will be held at Bellagio Hotel in Westerville. and it starts at 9:30 A.M on monday February 17
Q9. As far as i understand, Keynote adrress is scheduled for the second day, am i right?
A9. Actually, Keynote address is scheduled for first day by Erica Lopez who is the president of Nevada industy.
Q10. I heard that there are some workshops related to emplyees, could you tell me more details?
A10. There are two workshops you are looking for. firstly from 9:30 to 11:00 there will be a workshop on recruiting empoyees on monday 17th. secondly there will be a another wotrkshop on employee training from 9:30 to 11:00 A.M on thesday, February 18th.
Paramore Supply Co.
528 Northup Avenue, Richardson Shopping Center
Customer: Whin global Accoungting
*Pick up: March 10th
Subtotal: $294.15
Quantity Product Unit Price Total 6 Color Cartridge $68.25 $254.25 3 Black Cartridge $30.65 $39.90
Sales Tax: $29.42
Total: $323.57
Q8. I would like to pick up my order, where are you located?
A8. Our company is located at 528 Northup avenue in the richarddon shopping center.
Q9. How much do i have to pay?
A9. The total is $323.57
Q10. Can you tell me what i've orderd?
A10. you orderd two items. first you ordered six color cartridges at $68.25 each and it is $254.25 in total. and you orderd three black cartridges at $30.65 eact and it is $39.90 in total.
Milo's Catering Service
223 W broad Street, Columbus OH 56898
To be delivered: Wednesday April 22th, 11:30 A.M
Order number: 58958
Customer: Hogan Accounting Group, 235 Dublin Street Order Placed: March 31th
Menu item: Mixed Green salad - Two types of dressing
Sandwiches - Two kinds (Green Vegetable and Roast Turkey)
Dessert - Two trays sorted cookies
Payment total: $150 (paid at time of order)
Q8. What time will the food be delivered?
A8. it will be delivered on wednesday April 22th by 11:30 A.M
Q9. Do i have to pay when the food arrives?
A9. Actually, you don't have to because, it was already paid at time of order.
Q10. Can you tell me about the menu that we ordered?
A10. you orderd three items. first you ordered mixed green salad with two types of dressing, two kinds of sandwiches and two trays sorted cookies dessert.
Itinerary for Jade Collins, Office Design Consultant
Tuesday, May7
8:45 A.M Depart St Louis Air America Flight #72
2:00 P.M Arrive San Diego (Check-in: Padre Hotel)
Wednesday, May 8
10:00 A.M ~ 5:30 P.M The Factory Tour - Montecarlo Furniture
Thursday, May 9
9:30A.M ~ 11:00 A.M Meeting BakersField Lighting Expert
1:00 P.M ~ 3:00 P.M Lunch (Edwin Coleman, Director of Modern Design)
5:50 P.M Depart San Diego Air ABX #40
Q8. What time do i arrive in San Diego and where will i stay?
A8. You will arrive in San Diego at 2 P.M after that you will check in the padre hotel.
Q9. I remember that i'm scheduled for the factory tour of Montecarlo furniture on Tuesday, May 7th, am i right?
A9. Actually, you will have a factory tour of Montecarlo furniture on Wednesday May 8th from 10:00 A.M to 5:30 P.M
Q10. Is it possible to tell me the schedule for Tursday.
A10. There a three schedules on Tursday May 9th. firstly you will have a meeting with the Bakersfield Lighting Expert. secondly you will have lunch with Edwin coleman who is the director of Modern design from 1:00 P.M to 3:00P.M. lastly you are going to depart from San Diego by ABX air #40.
유의해야할 단어장
단어 | 발음기호 | 단어 | 발음기호 |
·accompany | [əˈkʌmpəni] | ·itinerary | [aɪˈtɪnəreri] |
·apply | [əˈplaɪ] | ·incorporated Inc. | [ɪn|kɔːrpəreɪtɪd] |
·adult | [ ˈædʌlt; əˈdʌlt ] | ·lecture | [ˈlektʃə(r)] |
·banker | [ˈbæŋkə(r)] | ·loyal customer | 단골고객 |
·bachelor | [ˈbætʃələ(r)] | ·massage | [məˈsɑːʒ] |
·certified | [sə́:rtəfàid] | ·order | [ |ɔːrdə(r) ] |
·ceremony | [|serəmoʊni] | ·participation | [ pɑːr|tɪsɪ│peɪʃn |
·conceptualize | [kənˈseptʃuəlaɪz] | ·private | [ˈpraɪvət] |
·certificate | [ |sɜːrtɪfɪ│keɪt ] | ·Pilates | [pɪˈlɑːtiːz] |
·depart | [ dɪˈpɑːrt ] 떠나다[출발하다] | ·related | [rɪˈleɪtɪd] |
·Dominique | [ dɑ̀məní:k ] | ·recruit | [rɪˈkruːt] |
·director | [ də|rektə(r); dɪrektə(r); daɪrektə(r) ] | ·session | [ˈseʃn ] |
·enterprise | [ |entərpraɪz ] | ·sorted | [ |sɔːrtɪd ] |
·executive |
[ɪɡˈzekjətɪv] |
·therapist | [ˈθerəpɪst ] |
·February |
[|februeri ] |
·translation | [ træns|leɪʃn;] |
·finance |
[ˈfaɪnæns; faɪˈnæns; fəˈnæns ] |
·Tyndal | [ tíndl ] |
·graduate |
[ˈɡrædʒueɪt] |
·walk | [ wɔːk ] |
·work |
[ wɜːrk ] |
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[토스/토익스피킹] 2024 Part2 전략 및 만능 템플릿 (6) | 2024.01.14 |